As a native to a non-subway city when I came to New-York I couldn’t
get enough of it. Well… I couldn’t get enough of it at first until
I had enough.
But every ride was very educating. I think in any given time
the subway represents the exact distribution of mankind. It’s like a small UN.
More than any social network, the public transportation
system’s main goal is to connect people the best way it can. Of course there’s
much to improve still but I always had some insight while cramming myself
between a sea of sweaty people trying to fit in a shoe box.
What I realized is that every person is going to a different
place for a different purpose but we still meet here sitting across from each
other. It sounds a bit mundane but I love it.
To thank the MTA for all those nice moments, I introduce to
you here my campaign for the NYC public transportation system.
Everybody is going somewhere
Take me to the money |
Take me home |
Take me to bed |
Take me away |
Take me to my love |
Just take me |
Have a safe ride