My first black Friday. People has officially stopped talking about the weather and the conversation only revolves around what deals we're gonna stand in line for.
Readers of my last post must know what I feel about buying huge amounts of crap we don't need.
Many use this day to stock their closets with presents to their loved ones.
I myself check the closet for stuff I don't need anymore and how I might reuse them this holidays season (Occupy and all that).
Jerry Seinfeld said "men wear their underwear until it absolutely disintegrates. Men hang on to underwear until, until each individual underwear molecule is so strained it can barely retain the properties of a solid. It actually becomes underwear vapor."
This is how I feel about old pair of jeans. I never throw them away and keep wearing them around the house regardless of their status or my girlfriend's repeating pleads.
So instead of throwing them out (not an option) I gave them new life as iPad covers for my friends and family to enjoy.
These iPad covers achieve 2 goals, they are a cool, practically free gifts and my girlfriend won't bother me about my torn clothes clogging the closet.
So how cold was it waiting in line for those Gap shirts?
For more tips on how to be the cool dude subscribe to Joe's Feed, FB Page, Tumblr or follow on Twitter.

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Just Another Friday or Jeans iPad Covers
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I like walking next to pretty girl/celebrity in the street and pretend we're together #urbangames
I like walking next to pretty girl/celebrity in the street and pretend we're together #urbangames
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Bed Bath & Bla Bla Bla
There's enough chairs, clothes, lamps, pillows, napkins rings, paper, bottles. Just by opening the closets at my grandmother's you know there's enough plates and glasses to cater Armageddon.
In my last post I stated the fact that in order to maintain our current way of life we should either, remove unwanted members from our society or, change some aspects of our life and stop consuming crap.
@Occupy Trend
Basically it is newspapers, TV and media (and French people) who invented something called ''trends''. These ''trends'' is what makes us buy new clothes every season and replace our napkins rings. Trend later give back to the media by buying ads so they can keep making us feel what we have now is bad or ''untrendy''.
From a short ride on the subway and visiting a five floor furniture store I realize none of my suggested solutions won't be applied anytime soon.
That is ok. I too usually have a hard time listening to advice as right and important as it may be.
I realized there is more chance people will try to improve small parts of their lives before grabbing torches and hunting down douchebags.
You can start by looking at the stuff you throw away and think of cool ways to reuse it before sending it to the curve or throwing them out.
For example, instead of buying a stupid 30$ bowl at Crate & Barrel you can use your laundry machine door. As show here at casa del Joe:
Now you have a cool piece, girls will love you, you will be thin and fabulous and the important part, you just saved the world from more trash lying around somewhere.
For more tips on how to become a better person, or at least one who thinks he's better, subscribe to Joe's Feed, FB Page, Tumblr or follow on Twitter.
Friday, November 18, 2011
The Devil’s Haircut
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Joe's Tumblr
Did I mention I opened a Regular Joe Tumblr? Don’t think I did..
So this is my Tumblr. I use it mostly to follow some cool people like:
I Luv Skinny Bitches, I Lick Old People, Meta This, Eco-Soul, The Awesome Blog, EIKNARF, Male Minded, Push The Movement and more (go check, I’m not working for you).
So if you have a Tumblr account just follow me and you get a lot of cool stuff in one package.
If you don’t have a Tumblr you can join my Feed , my FB Page or follow me on Twitter.
So this is was also the long missing Weekly Joe on steroids.
Have a fantastic weekend y'all
Friday, November 11, 2011
7,000,000,000 and counting back
Last Halloween it was announced the word human population has surpassed the 7 billion people line.
For long it is being discussed that in the current rate of population growth we will not be able to support ourselves for much longer. Limited resources you know.
So as I and many see things, there are 2 main contingencies: either we completely change our way of life to a more sustainable one or, as it happened many times before, we need to bring our species back to a more reasonable number.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Have Some Self Awareness
So, as I’m sitting at the gate waiting for my flight to take me to NYC after my weeklong visit to Barcelona, I decided to sharpen my knowledge on U.S. current affairs so I’ll be up to date and know what’s going on at my next destination (always a good idea).
There is no better way to get a flash “what’s up 101” course than to read the business section. It is known worldwide American banks are not the most popular right now and I was just finishing reading this post on business insider explaining why Bank of America is probably the most hated organization nationwide for chasing away customers who tried to close their accounts in protest, debit cards fees, foreclosing on active duty troops and extreme layoffs among others.
Just add all this to the general anti-bankers atmosphere in the U.S, right now and imagine my surprise when I lifted my eyes from the article and caught a glimpse at this guy or more accurately, his bag…
Please forgive the pic quality. I was after a night of Halloween party and it looked alright when I took it.
Not only he walks around with his B of A bag but it says “Home Loans”!!! These guys are the worst right??!!
I mean, have you heard about Occupy Wall-Street? These guys would love your bag.
So that’s my wakeup call before America. Storm troopers walk around with matching bags here.
Sounds like The Regular Joe can find his place here.
check out more on Joe's Feed and for extra cool stuff check out my FB Page or follow on Twitter