Saturday, May 7, 2011

The weekly Joe – Style by Kling & Dilbert

This week there’re two cool websites I want to present, simply because each week they produce really cool stuff and it will be a shame if you miss it just because I’m a “post one at a time” hard ass.


Even I know that when it comes to style we have much to learn from the Scandinavian people. I guess peace and quiet really allows you to develop other stuff other than smaller smart bombs.

Elin Kling is a household name in Sweden when it comes to style and fashion. She writes about it for years through her blog STYLE by KLING, her fashion magazine STYLEBY and Swedish TV networks.

Girls maybe knows her by her collaboration with H&M where she is launching her own collection for spring 2011.

For me it is mostly to maintain my crush for her. She acts as a model to a fabulous life and each new post is a “feel good” moment.

Dilbert Daily Strip

When I think of the classic Regular Joe, one name pops to my mind – Dilbert.

Since it was first published by Scott Adams at April 1989, Dilbert has been the poster boy for the white collar, lower middle class man.

In three strips, Dilbert can express the frustration and illness of corporate culture and make you laugh about it at the same time. 
Dilbert Daily Strip posts a new strip every couple of days and it’s the best thing to read before going into a meeting with the boss.

My recommendation is going way back so you won’t miss a word.

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